CFP - Levinas and Psychology of the Other - Seattle
Anyone want to put a panel together on Levinas and Kristeva?? Or, Levinas and Irigaray?
Levinas and Psychoanalysis/Psychotherapy: A Conversation
Seattle University October 22-24, 2010
Call for Papers
The philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas is distinctly important for psychotherapy. He reminds us of the command to be responsible for the Other person. Informed by Levinas’ ethical phenomenology, the primacy of the immediate therapeutic face-to-face relationship challenges and haunts our clinical practice and theories. It forces an evolution in our conceptualizations and how we, as clinicians, attend to the Other. Attention to the “between,” as Buber would say, and the responsible “facing,” as Levinas deepens this, can also be seen in some of the recent shifts in psychoanalytic discourse and clinical emphasis. The terms “Other,” “asymmetrical,” and the “interhuman/intersubjective” occupy a shared space in Levinas’ thought and contemporary psychoanalytic discourse. Attunement, attention, and recognition of the Other are core concerns in both circles, yet their disparate meanings are difficult to parse out. The purpose of this seminar is to investigate how Levinasian ideas have and continue to influence the work of psychoanalysts, as well as other psychotherapists, for the mutual enrichment of meaning in clinical practice.
Keynote Address by Dr. Paul Marcus
Dr. Paul Marcus is a Supervising and Training Analyst at the National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis. His books include Being for the Other: Emmanuel Levinas, Ethical Living, and Psychoanalysis, Ancient Religious Wisdom, Spirituality, and Psychoanalysis: Autonomy in the Extreme Situation, and a forthcoming book titled In Search of the Good Life: Emmanuel Levinas, Psychoanalysis, and the Art of Living.
Call For Papers
We invite papers and posters that seek some form of interchange between Levinas and psychotherapy. Papers geared toward clinical work are highly encouraged. Abstracts no longer than 250 words should be submitted via Word Document to both and Deadline for submission is July 15th, 2010. Notifications will be sent to presenters by August 1st. Submission should include the following:
Author(s) name(s) Working Title 250 word abstract Institutional Affiliation Preference for Paper or Poster (if submitting as a paper presentation, indicate
willingness to present poster if not accepted as paper) Contact information (including preferred phone number and e-mail address)
Please and future registration:
go to the conference website (hosted by Seattle University) for more information
Also, please feel free to inquire further by contacting George Kunz ( or David Goodman (
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