Tuesday, 20 July 2010

PhD Bursary - Feminist Philsophy - Dundee

If I didn't own a house, I'd be off to Dundee in a heartbeat.  I love the Philosophy Dept there!

Please find below details of a PhD full home fees bursary in Philosophy at the University of Dundee - please encourage strong candidates to apply.
Research Studentship Fees Bursary in Philosophy (£10,200 over 3 years)

Philosophy Programme, University of Dundee
Applications are invited for this three year fees bursary to support a full time PhD student attached to the Philosophy Programme. Applicants should have a strong PhD proposal and a good Honours degree in Philosophy or a related subject area; a taught postgraduate degree (MA or MLitt) is an advantage.
PhD proposals are welcomed in any area of European Philosophy in which the Programme can provide appropriate supervision. Preference will be given to projects involving feminist philosophy or issues of gender. For further details of staff specialisms, please see the Guide for Postgraduate Applicants on the Philosophy website: http://www.dundee.ac.uk/philosophy/postgrad/pgguideapplicants.htm
The bursary covers home (UK/EU) PhD fees; applications from international students are welcome, although students would have to secure separate funding to cover the remainder of the international PhD fees.
The bursary is attached to the role of Project Assistant for a Royal Society of Edinburgh Network Grant, Engendering Dialogue: Feminist Thought and Contemporary Debates in Art, Science and Education. The successful candidate will be expected to undertake c.300 hours of project support over their first 2 years of study. The third year of study is tied to a teaching assistantship involving 3 contact hours per week over two semesters (22 weeks in total), teaching philosophy tutorials to Level 1 or 2 undergraduate students.
Applications should be made via the standard research student application procedure. Further information is available in the Guide for Postgraduate Applicants on the Philosophy website: http://www.dundee.ac.uk/philosophy/postgrad/pgguideapplicants.htm

Please signal on your application that you wish to be considered for the fees bursary.
Applications for this bursary must be submitted by 16th August 2010. The start date will be between September - December 2010.
Informal enquiries about the bursary and/or the related role as Project Assistant for the RSE Network Grant should be directed to Dr Rachel Jones: r.e.jones@dundee.ac.uk

CFP: Women and Religion - Bristol


Women and Religion: Doctrinal, Historical and Social Perspectives

Saturday 20 November 2010

University of Bristol, UK

Keynote speaker: Dr. Carolyn Muessig, Reader in Medieval Religion, University of Bristol

This interdisciplinary conference seeks to bring together doctoral researchers and early

career academics from a variety of disciplines and fields to explore the role and place of

women in religion encouraging research and collaboration in the University of Bristol itself,

and with other Universities both within the UK and abroad.

The research on women and religion is often divided by religious tradition or academic

field, and often occurs at the margins of academic discourse and practice. This

interdisciplinary conference seeks to expand the focus of research by sharing approaches

and perspectives in different religious traditions and in different academic fields.

We are now accepting abstracts for the 3 panels running at the conference, each

consisting of three 20 minutes papers. Contributions are welcome from any perspective:

theological, historical, anthropological, sociological, archaeological, etc. as long as the

paper deals centrally with the theme of one of the following panels:

Women Religious Leaders

The Ordination of Women: Controversy in Different Religious Traditions?

Women’s Spiritual Paths: Subverting the Patriarchal Religious Order

We are also accepting submissions of posters, to be composed in A1 format (594x841

mm, 23.39x33.1 in). Six posters (two for each of the above themes) will be selected to

be exhibited at the conference venue. Poster authors will have the opportunity to discuss

their work with participants during tea and lunch breaks.

Please send your abstracts of 500 words or less and posters, both in .pdf format to

Jinho Fashi (thzmc@bristol.ac.uk) AND Massimo Rondolino (m.rondolino@bristol.ac.uk).

The deadline for receipt of abstracts and posters is 10 September 2010.

It is hoped that an edited volume arising from Conference proceedings will be published

Participation to the conference is free, and includes lunch and refreshments. Some help

may also be available to assist speakers and poster presenters with travel expenses.

For more information and registration, please visit:


Carnival of feminist cultural activism

Ok, I'd prefer that if you are in the UK next March, you come to the Rebranding Feminism conference in London.  But if art is more your thing, this might be for you.

Centre for Women's Studies, University of York, UK.

3-5 March 2011
We welcome proposals for a three-day conference and festival of academic papers, presentations, performance, exhibitions & workshops.
We ask: can feminist art* change the world and, if so, how?

and we invite responses from activists, artists and academics.
*street theatre :: poetry :: music :: knitting :: zines :: digital fiction :: podcasts :: dance :: performance :: painting :: puppetry :: frockmaking weaving :: gardening :: cooking :: sketches :: pottery :: blogs :: song :: cartoons :: writing :: sculpture :: posters :: comics :: tweeting :: and so on
The event is designed to generate action as well as debate, and to inspire, celebrate & challenge understandings of women, grassroots art & politics.
Please send 300-word proposals for papers, panels, exhibitions, workshops and performances plus a 50-word biography, by 31 October 2010 to:
or post to:

Carnival of feminist cultural activism

Centre for Women's Studies

University of York


Yo10 5DD


New posts

Hello blogland.  Sorry to have not been around lately.  I'm still sorting through the crash of my hard drive and just haven't felt compelled to blog since that happened.  However, there are loads of really interesting things going on at the moment, so I shall share.  I promise.

As a side note, I had a postcard from Luce Irigaray the other day.  The nature of our relationship has changed so much so that I now get postcards full of instructions. This one read something like this:

Tell Katz to give you my article and tell her to read the article in the journal I told her about.
Finish your PhD.
Maybe, I want to do a conference for the participants of my seminars. I will let you help me.
I might also let you help me publish something, but I'm not sure yet.

It was absolutely the best postcard I've ever received!  I'm going to buy a book where I can display the cards she sends so one can see the front and back of them.