PhD Bursary - Feminist Philsophy - Dundee
If I didn't own a house, I'd be off to Dundee in a heartbeat. I love the Philosophy Dept there!
Please find below details of a PhD full home fees bursary in Philosophy at the University of Dundee - please encourage strong candidates to apply.
Research Studentship Fees Bursary in Philosophy (£10,200 over 3 years)
Philosophy Programme, University of Dundee
Applications are invited for this three year fees bursary to support a full time PhD student attached to the Philosophy Programme. Applicants should have a strong PhD proposal and a good Honours degree in Philosophy or a related subject area; a taught postgraduate degree (MA or MLitt) is an advantage.
PhD proposals are welcomed in any area of European Philosophy in which the Programme can provide appropriate supervision. Preference will be given to projects involving feminist philosophy or issues of gender. For further details of staff specialisms, please see the Guide for Postgraduate Applicants on the Philosophy website:
The bursary covers home (UK/EU) PhD fees; applications from international students are welcome, although students would have to secure separate funding to cover the remainder of the international PhD fees.
The bursary is attached to the role of Project Assistant for a Royal Society of Edinburgh Network Grant, Engendering Dialogue: Feminist Thought and Contemporary Debates in Art, Science and Education. The successful candidate will be expected to undertake c.300 hours of project support over their first 2 years of study. The third year of study is tied to a teaching assistantship involving 3 contact hours per week over two semesters (22 weeks in total), teaching philosophy tutorials to Level 1 or 2 undergraduate students.
Applications should be made via the standard research student application procedure. Further information is available in the Guide for Postgraduate Applicants on the Philosophy website:
Please signal on your application that you wish to be considered for the fees bursary.
Applications for this bursary must be submitted by 16th August 2010. The start date will be between September - December 2010.
Informal enquiries about the bursary and/or the related role as Project Assistant for the RSE Network Grant should be directed to Dr Rachel Jones: